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The Lost Ones
Author TheInvertedShadow
Genre Action
Heroes Teivel
Villains ?
"Come with me, and perhaps we will find the one you seek, as well as the ones that share your power."
Teivel, offering his hand in assistance to Bellatrix.

The Lost Ones is a currently ongoing YouTube created by YouTube user TheInvertedShadow.


The Lost Ones  is an action-based series. It tells the story of six mysterious people, all scattered from one another and wandering the world, but all related by the mere power they all share. An omnipotent all-seeing force known simply as the Voice sends his disciple, Teivel, to travel out into the world, find these people, and reunite them for the greater good of their kind.


Episode 0

In a realm of pure shadow, a mysterious Pyro, Teivel, is by himself before the entrance of a dark sanctuary. He is then called upon by an unseen and unknown entity- the Voice. The Voice calls upon Teivel as his disciple, before explaining a rather complex situation. Out in the world outside of theirs roam six people that carry the same kind of power and potential as the rest of their kind, one of which is not of their alignment. The Voice enlists Teivel to travel out into the world and reunite these six people "in the name of Shadow," to which he readily accepts.

Episode 1

The episode begins with Teivel appearing on the outskirts of a Combine occupied city, watching over a patrol. Teivel quickly locates his goal, Bellatrix, who is currently on the run from Combine authorities. She quickly ambushes two of the three man patrol, only to be caught in a stand-off with the last member. Teivel covertly uses his telekinesis to break the stalemate from a distance, allowing Bellatrix to finish off the last member. As she looks over a strange relic in her possession, she is then ambushed and critically wounded by a Combine marksman with a high-powered rifle. As reinforcements approach her in her moment of near-death, Teivel comes to her and reveals her secret potential to her. With this new founded guidance, Bellatrix is able to unleash her hidden freakish powers through her anger- the ability to shapeshift her own body into various kinds of weaponry. Consequently, she is able to slaughter the Combine reinforcements. After passing out from sheer exhaustion, Bellatrix awakens to find Teivel watching over her, to which he gives back her relic, which he apparently retrieved some time after she passed out. After showing her the connection between them and the Voice, Bellatrix agrees to go with Teivel, all the while being watched by an unknown observer.


Notable Videos
