TF2 FreakShow Wiki
Siege of the Freaks
Author Kugawattan


Genre Action
Original run 5 September 2015 - 19 July 2020
No. of episodes 6
Runtime 21:30 minutes
Antagonist Ninja Spy (Primary)
Ninja Heavy (Secondary)
Villains Dic Soupcan
Christian Brutal Sniper
Handsome Rogue
Others Various RED teams
Various BLUE teams

Siege of the Freaks is a YouTube video tennis match between users Kugawattan and TheInvertedShadow.


The Administrator is frustrated that mercenaries all around are either incompetent or deadlocked, making her supervision a total nightmare. However, she is met by Ninja Spy and Ninja Heavy, who propose the idea of spicing it up by having each match interrupted by a Freak.


Part 1: Dic Soupcan[]

One boring day at 2Fort, mercenaries are fighting each other, but neither team seems to be gaining the upper hand. Eventually, the Administrator in her office on Tophat Island is starting to lose patience as she is forced to watch match after match of boring, incompetent mercenaries not doing any effort to progress. Just then, she is interrupted by Ninja Spy and his lackey Ninja Heavy. Unimpressed at first, the black clad Spy surprises her by showing a selection of Freaks. She gets then the idea to plant them in the middle of a match, hoping this would motivate the mercenaries into completing their objectives.

As the mercenaries of either team stare down each other back in 2Fort, the Announcer surprises them all by summoning the intelligence in between them. Moments later, drunken gibberish and dancing catches everyone's attention: Dic Soupcan has joined the fray, and swiftly eliminates the RED team.

Dic falls asleep and BLU looks nervously at each other. The Soldier carefully tries to walk toward the drunkard hoping he won't wake up, but to no avail: the instant he lifts his foot, Dic charges toward them and murders all but the BLU Engineer and Pyro; they both take the opportunity to go after the intel, but Dic Soupcan catches up to the Pyro quickly and kills him. The suitcase flies to the hands of a respawned RED Scout. Enraged and noticing Dic's anger point, the BLU Engineer lies to him by saying that the Scout called him ugly.

After disposing off the Scout, Dic Soupcan rushes toward the RED team, but they have prepared a Sniper-Sticky Bomb ambush. This proved to be useless as it only makes the drunkard activate his Nightmare Mode and quickly massacres them all. The BLU Engineer hears the screams of the RED Spy coming from the RED base and went inside when the screams die down. He finds the intelligence and takes it; a nearby Dic Soupcan offers him a soupcan, and the Engineer accepts it. This causes a positive reaction on Dic, who let the BLU Engineer go unharmed go before going back to sleep.

Extremely pleased with the result, the Administrator demands more and hands some money to Ninja Spy. He sees this as an opportunity to quickly make money and summons another Freak to the Badlands, where another two teams do nothing but weakly shoot at each other or relax under cover. The chess game BLU Medic and Heavy are playing is cut short by none other than Christian Brutal Sniper.

Part 2: Christian Brutal Sniper[]

CBS nonchalant disposes of the Medic, throws the weapon away and as usual kills the RED Scout, and the Heavy is quickly beheaded. The flying blood angers the Spy but is distracted by the enemy Pyro long enough to get an axe to the face. The RED Pyro challenges Christian Brutal Sniper to single-combat and manages to disarm CBS. This proved to be fruitless as the unfazed Sniper Freak takes a claymore from hammerspace and impales the Pyro with it. As he gloats, the lone RED Engineer unwittingly captures the point before he too is killed. The BLU team is too scared to try and cap the point back, making the RED team win the match.

Again satisfied with the result, the Announcer keeps giving money to the Ninja Freaks. This time, a Soldier Freak is dispatched to deal with two deadlocked teams in Swiftwater: Soldine.

Part 3: Soldine[]

Soldine proceeds to kill the BLU scout pushing the Payload before demanding to the RED team that they surrender or face judgement. Angered, the RED Heavy opens fire to no effect. Instead Soldine closes the distance, prompting the Heavy to punch the cyborg. After having his hand thoroughly broken in the process, the RED Heavy is sent flying and the RED Engineer proceeds to barrage Soldine with sentry fire. Soldine powers through the fire with little effort, killing the Engineer and destroying his sentry in the process. A RED Sniper attempts to head shot the cyborg multiple times from cover, but the unaffected Soldine detects him and rocket punches him away in response. The Announcer alerts the map that the bomb is almost at the final point, and Soldine launches himself away after dealing with the last RED Soldier. Interrupting the bomb cart at the final moment, the BLU Pyro attempts to airblast the Freak into the bomb pit, but the metal cyborg is only barely pushed back, before detonating the Pyro with a rocket at point blank range. The BLU Demoman begs Soldine for mercy, but this is merely a ruse for the BLU Spy to attempt to sap the cyborg, but the attempt fails and an angered Soldine murders the remaining members BLU team members, allowing the RED team to emerge victorious.

While the Announcer expresses her continued delight at the success of the freaks, she watches as the BLU team are having an arguement in the spawn room. Suddenly, the BLU Scout is cut down by an unknown assailant who is revealed to be Handsome Rogue, who then promptly murders most of the BLU team. The Announcer demands to know who he is, but a shocked Ninja Spy hastily diverts her attention to Doublecross, where yet another Capture the Flag match is interrupted by Sewer Medic, whom Ninja Spy summons next.

Part 4: Sewer Medic[]

Sewer Medic, in his fury, uses his ear-searing Hypersonic Scream to murder the BLU Pyro, which gets the attention of everyone in Doublecross. The RED Soldier, Demoman, and Sniper teams up, along with the BLU Heavy and Engineer to take the Medic Freak down, but the latter dodges the projectiles, causing them to collide into each other and blowing some mercs up in the process, while the RED Soldier escapes with the intelligence, leaving Sewer Medic to murder the rest of the trespassers.

The Soldier however has the misfortune to end up in the sewer of his own base, where the RED Sewer Medic awaits him, much to the surprise of the Administrator, who starts to realize something is amiss. Before the RED Soldier could even be killed he is saved by the RED Sniper, who falls prey to the RED Sewer Medic while the RED Soldier makes it to the RED base's Intel Room. Though he is happy to have survived, this is unfortunately cut short by a decloaking sound. The source of the sound is revealed to be Gentlespy, who swiftly headshots the Soldier.

While the Administrator reprimands Ninja Spy that other Freaks are ending the matches short and awkwardly, the Freak-Spawning switch is suddenly snatched by Fiammetta and Armeni, who start summoning characters on their own, much to the horror of the Ninja Duo.

At HighTower, the RED and BLU teams are getting ready to carry their respective Payloads to their detonation points. The match however is quickly stopped short by four Freaks, two of each seemingly taking a side by color: Painis Cupcake and Buddhist Murder Pyro on RED, and Weaselcake and Ass Pancakes on BLU.

Part 5[]

Painis Cupcake promptly dashes toward the RED team, with the intent of eating them. Weaselcake attempts to protect the RED team from him, but inadvertently starts a fight with Buddhist Murder Pyro, and is partially turned into gold as a result. As the RED team is then massacred, while Fiametta and Armeni taunt Ninja Spy while summoning more Freaks on HighTower to continue the mayhem. This caused several fights to break out between several Freaks; Ass Pancakes fights Scombine while Painis Cupcake battles Dangerous Bacon, Buddhist Murder Pyro, and a GRN Vagineer. FaG Scout then appears and opens fire against everyone before he is stopped by Weaselcake, who has broken free of the gold curse.

Weaselcake proceeds to kill FaG Scout before disabling Buddhist Murder Pyro and the GRN Vagineer by hurling the wounded Ass Pancakes at them. The former then turns his attention to fighting Painis Cupcake who has defeated Dangerous Bacon, but is interrupted by SoupCock Porkpie, who intends to glue him. Before the fight could escalate further, it was interrupted by two pacifist Freaks, Intelligent Heavy and Polite Spy (as well as the Agreeable Soldier), who successfully convinced the Freaks to stop fighting.

Unfortunately, the ceasefire quickly interrupted when Fiammetta (to Ninja Spy's dismay) summons Spiritual Demoman who ruthlessly proceeds to attack the group with large shipping containers. Through a concerted effort between Painis Cupcake and Weaselcake though, Spiritual Demoman is defeated.

Back on Tophat Island, Ninja Spy finally loses his temper and proceeds to attack Fiammetta. In the ensuing brawl, Armeni gets a hold of the Freak spawner and begins rapidly pressing the button to induce chaos, however, to everyone's horror, one of the spawned freaks (the kleptomaniac known as RubberFruit) steals the button. He attempts to flee with it, but is quickly caught up and unceremoniously killed by Fiammetta before she is quickly knocked aside by Uncle Crusty, who had spawned nearby, Enraged at the sight of his friend being attacked, Armeni attempts to retaliate by blasting Crusty with a giant rocket launcher at point blank but the latter blocks the launcher's tube with the nearest object he can find, which happens to be the Freak spawner.

In the ensuing explosion, the Freak Spawner is destroyed, to Ninja Spy's horror, who realizes his plan has been foiled. At Ninja Heavy's behest, the pair attempt to escape. After Ninja Spy grabs the money he had earned from the Administrator, he is suddenly ambushed by an anger-crazed Fiammetta but is saved by Ninja Heavy, whom Fiammetta slashes to death, while Ninja Spy escapes with he money.

As Ninja Spy makes the final stretch of his escape to his helicopter, he trips on an outstretched tail, which is revealed to be from velociraptor Rappy. Ninja Spy can only watch as Rappy and his Demoman pal take off with the money, before Ninja Spy passes out from exhaustion.

In the Epilogue, it appears that Rappy and Demo had used the money to open a Desert Bar of some kind, one for all of Mercs and Freaks to join together, though Painis Cupcake and Dic Soupcan got into a fight again. After having thoroughly wrecked the island base, Fiammetta departs with an unconscious Armeni on her shoulder. The Administrator quickly sells the ruined base to BLU Gentlemanly Demo. Meanwhile, Soldine and Official Heavy incarcerate Ninja Spy for his actions. The fate of the BLU team at HighTower is also revealed: They were unable to push their payload cart further, due to Icy Spy blocking the path.


  • The idea of Freaks being sent to fight mercenaries was inspired by a fanfiction called Project FREAK, which had a similar premise.
  • In part 1, Dic Soupcan features a custom skin made for the gamemode Freak Fortress 2. One of the tennis players didn't like this fact, because Dic is supposed to be a plain RED Demoman. In order to compromise, the Dic Soupcan featured in part 2 is of a slightly darker RED and has a beer splash on the torso.
  • The BLU Engineer and Dic Soupcan's exchange is nearly identical to the one he has with Madic in the QMSC video "Enemies of Old".
  • The BLU Heavy in part 3 is dressed as the Dude from the film The Big Lebowski, and even does one of his classic lines.
  • Ass Pancakes still remembers Weaselcake from the fight they had in "The Tournament- Part 6".
  • The part where Painis Cupcake defeats Dangerous Bacon in Part 6 is a reference to "Painis Cupcake's revenge", a series where the titular character defeats other Freaks who have bested him in the past. He didn't take revenge on Dangerous Bacon in the series, though, and finally fulfills it here.
  • This is the second time Weaselcake has defeated FaG Scout, the first was in the latter's debut video.
  • Ninjineer, Spengineer, Drunk Monk and CyborScout make cameos at the bar in the Epilogue.
  • Siege of the Freaks is the only TF2 Freak YouTube tennis series that features Rappy, a non-TF2 Gmod character created by Youtube user Dr. Face.
  • The series marks the first time where Soldine is depicted as a villain, similarly to Medizard.
  • The series' epilogue reveals how BLU Gentlemanly Demo got his signature lair.

